Video game’s existence of nearly 30 years has affected countless lives. The feeling of fulfillment it provides to individuals undeniably results in millions of social interactions. From the golden arcade era in the 90s to the present-day’s mobile game apps, the reach of the video game industry continues to increase along with the world’s growing population.
Human technological advancements coincide with video game progress in creating more entertaining and captivating virtual worlds. Even with numerous upsides as a result of these progressions, many are concerned about the commitment that gamers spend playing games are detrimental to themselves and to society. Those who criticize suggests that the countless hours playing video games could instead be invested in transferable professional and social skills, like volunteering for nonprofit organizations.1
This criticism is an outdated advice that cannot uphold in current time due to the following evidence. The masses allocate numerous hours daily watching movies, Netflix series, YouTube viral videos or using apps on their phones. Similarly, gamers devote hours to entertainment. The difference is they play in interactive virtual arenas while improving dexterity, problem solving, self-reflection and even social skills. Surprisingly, playing video games online and in-person requires interaction with other humans. In games, without communication or team chemistry, players will not succeed in their respective games. Each person must use soft skills to better communicate with other players. The necessity of a player to make social adjustments to fit another’s personality is crucial. In addition, these players are not always from the same region. A player from Orange County in California can play with someone from Madison, Mississippi which demonstrates culture differences.
The masses allocate numerous hours daily watching movies, Netflix series, YouTube viral videos or using apps on their phones. Similarly, gamers devote hours to entertainment. The difference is they play in interactive virtual arenas while improving dexterity, problem solving, self-reflection and even social skills.
Little do people realize, niche communities are created within specific games or certain genres. League of Legends has built a community of approximately 80 million players.2 These dedicated League followers participate in the game and spectate professional competitions across the globe. In the Fighting Game Community, gamers have the chance of competing with each other at numerous online and in-person events. Friendships are made of all ages, background, nationality, ethnicity and gender at physical venues where they can compete and socialize. Both the fighting games and League of Legends communities encompass respectful and not-so-respectful individuals so developing a thickskin and effective social skills to combat discourtesy are essential.
In response to criticism that video games detrimentally damaging the future of society, evidence show that not only does gaming help with soft skills, it also produces spaces where players can better themselves through community building. The video game industry will not be swayed with old-fashioned criticisms. With the revenue it generated 2018 ($138.7 billion) and the amount of people it impacts worldwide, video game’s influence will continue to strengthen while its influence in politics, business and culture continues to multiply.3
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Keith Esteban <<DialecticBrown>>
1 Shi, J., Renwick, R., Turner, N. E., & Kirsh, B. (2019, March 21). Understanding the lives of problem gamers: The meaning, purpose, and influences of video gaming. Computers in Human Behavior. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563219301153.
2 Heimer, R. (2019, January 31). HOW MANY PEOPLE PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS – UPDATED 2019. Retrieved from www.unrankedsmurfs.com/blog/players-2017.
3 Anderton, K. The Business Of Video Games: Market Share For Gaming Platforms in 2019 [Infographic] Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinanderton/2019/06/26/the-business-of-video-games-market-share-for-gaming-platforms-in-2019-infographic/#407fb4c47b25. 1 Heimer, R. (2019, January 31). HOW MANY PEOPLE PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS – UPDATED 2019. Retrieved from www.unrankedsmurfs.com/blog/players-2017.